Tag: UI/UX
Android UX UI 3
View, Custom view, etc.
CSS-style shadows for Android
Emoji under the hood
How to Use Shaders for Android View and How Android View May Use Shaders
Android UX UI [2]
PART 1 [https://www.arvifox.com/2020/01/02/physics-animation-in-android/]
Building a Beautiful Disney MVVM Android Application (1): Material Motion Systems. [ https://proandroiddev.com/building-a-beautiful-disney-android-application-1-material-motion-systems-34607eae2501 ]
[ https://github.com/skydoves/DisneyMotions ]
The motion system [ https://material.io/design/motion/the-motion-system.html# ]
Direct is a tool that helps motion designers provide clear, precise motion direction for engineers. [ https://github.com/material-motion/direct ]
UX UI in Android
PART 2 [https://www.arvifox.com/2020/03/21/android-ux-ui-2/]
Seamless Android app launch animations using Intent Source Bounds [ https://arunkumar.dev/seamless-android-app-launch-animations-using-intent-sourcebounds/ ]
Implement Google Inbox Style Animation on Android [ https://proandroiddev.com/implement-google-inbox-style-animation-on-android-18c261baeda6 ]
Animate Everything! (Android Animation Showcase) [ https://android.jlelse.eu/animate-everything-android-animation-showcase-7b7debee0e2a ]
Smooth RecyclerView Scrolling in Android [ https://medium.com/@polson55/smooth-recyclerview-scrolling-in-android-57e7a9b71ca7 ]
Android + dynamic screen, server-driven UI
Dynamic screens using server-driven UI in Android [ https://proandroiddev.com/dynamic-screens-using-server-driven-ui-in-android-262f1e7875c1 ]
Beagle is an open source framework of cross-platform development based on the implementation paradigm of Server-Driven UI.