Multi-threading represents a very intriguing topic, even after years of research and development for high quality, robust, and efficient software. With equal emphasis on hardware improvements and the software that runs on it – we have newer paradigms for parallelism. The most important yet basic concepts are the ones which I present here. I then explain the intricacies of multi-threading in the Java programming language. Some of these are newer features and supported only from the Java Platform Standard Edition 5.0. Let us start with a quick overview and understanding of the core concepts.
Tag: multithreading
Concurrency: Java Futures and Kotlin Coroutines
Android rxjava multithreading
A flowchart for background work, alarms
A flowchart for background work, alarms, and your Android app
Pro-tip by +Ian Lake
For many apps, doing work in the background can be an important part of building a great experience. Continue reading A flowchart for background work, alarms