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Introducing A New Way to Discover Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries

Kotlin Multiplatform is growing rapidly, with its ecosystem expanding and the number of libraries increasing by 35% in 2024 alone. However, with more libraries available than ever, finding the right one for your use case and target platforms can still be a challenge. Whether you’re looking for a solution to handle permissions on iOS and Android or searching for a Compose Multiplatform calendar component that supports both mobile and web, the challenge isn’t just finding one library – it’s having all of the options clearly presented so you can compare and choose the best fit. Today, we’re excited to introduce – our new service designed to make finding Kotlin Multiplatform libraries faster and easier.

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Kotlin 2.1.0 Released


What’s new:

New language features in preview: Guard conditions in when with a subject, non-local break and continue, and multi-dollar string interpolation.

K2 compiler updates: More flexibility around compiler checks and improvements to the kapt implementation.

Kotlin Multiplatform: Stable Gradle DSL for compiler options and many other improvements.

Kotlin/Native: Improved support for iosArm64 and other updates.

Kotlin/Wasm: Multiple updates, including support for incremental compilation.

Gradle support: Improved compatibility with newer versions of Gradle and the Android Gradle plugin, along with updates to the Kotlin Gradle plugin API.