Kotlin Multiplatform is growing rapidly, with its ecosystem expanding and the number of libraries increasing by 35% in 2024 alone. However, with more libraries available than ever, finding the right one for your use case and target platforms can still be a challenge. Whether you’re looking for a solution to handle permissions on iOS and Android or searching for a Compose Multiplatform calendar component that supports both mobile and web, the challenge isn’t just finding one library – it’s having all of the options clearly presented so you can compare and choose the best fit. Today, we’re excited to introduce klibs.io – our new service designed to make finding Kotlin Multiplatform libraries faster and easier.
Tag: kmp
KMP multiplatform
Kotlin Multiplatform presenters (or ViewModels): the lean way
Continue reading KMP multiplatformKotlin Multiplatform Mobile Is in Beta – Start Using It Now!
Kotlin +, Kotlin multiplatform
Kotlin Multiplatform Reaktive [ https://soundcloud.com/android_broadcast/android-broadcast-reaktive-na-kotlin-multiplatform ]
Kotlin multi-platform implementation of Reactive Extensions [https://github.com/badoo/Reaktive]
An awesome list that curates the best KMM libraries, tools and more.
KaMP Kit by Touchlab is a collection of code and tools designed to get your mobile team started quickly with Kotlin Multiplatform.
Functional companion to Kotlin’s Standard Library [ https://arrow-kt.io/ ]
Kotlin backend? Yes it’s possible [https://proandroiddev.com/kotlin-backend-yes-its-possible-953388acffc3]
Connected Applications with Kotlin [https://ktor.io/]
An Interface for Multiplatform Networking
detekt [ https://github.com/detekt/detekt ]
Полдюжины правил для статического анализатора Detekt
Kotlin Native. Multithreading without Coroutines
Kotlin Native. Multithreading with Coroutines