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Tag: java
Java Android faq interview algorithms collections
Collections in java. don’t forget
Руководство по версиям и возможностям Java
Руководство по возможностям Java версий 8-16
Continue reading Java Android faq interview algorithms collections
Interop guide Java + Kotlin
A set of rules for authoring public APIs in Java and Kotlin with the intent that the code will feel idiomatic when consumed from the other language.
Rx – observable interval test, TestScheduler
Loading data from few sources by rxjava
[code language=”java”]
Observable<Data> memory = …;
Observable<Data> disk = …;
Observable<Data> network = …;
// Retrieve the first source with data
Observable<Data> source = Observable
.concat(memory, disk, network)
Save data to cache
[code language=”java”]
Observable<Data> networkWithSave = network.doOnNext(data -> {
Observable<Data> diskWithCache = disk.doOnNext(data -> {
Update data
[code language=”java”]
Observable<Data> source = Observable
.concat(memory, diskWithCache, networkWithSave)
.first(data -> data.isUpToDate());