- It is a combination of programming language and Software Development Kit (SDK), which allows application development for desktop, mobile, consoles, and web.
- It is a simple programming language with clear syntax.
- Code written in Delphi, is easily readable; for example, you can concatenate strings using the “+” sign rather than any function.
- Documentation of Delphi is well-organized to help you give a quick start.
- Comes with an Integrated IDE, which allows you to easily develop GUI using drag & drop, addition of event handlers, and many other features.
- Supports real-time testing, making it easier and faster to find and fix issues.
- Supports Rapid Application Development (RAD) with features, such as an application framework and visual window layout designer.
- Supports client-server architecture and SQL databases.
- Supports complete Windows API.
- Allows creating components for easy integration in the IDE.
droidcon NYC 2017
Android development tips
Разработка под Андроид: советы, инструменты и трюки
Android studio plugins
Live Templates
Step by Step: RecyclerView Swipe to Delete and Undo [https://medium.com/@zackcosborn/step-by-step-recyclerview-swipe-to-delete-and-undo-7bbae1fce27e]
Android development tips — Part II [https://medium.com/code-procedure-and-rants/android-development-tips-part-ii-476bbab182b9]
Colored Tab Animated like Google Play Store [https://proandroiddev.com/colored-tab-animated-like-google-play-store-7202ac60da9c]
TransactionTooLargeException and a Bridge to Safety — Part 1 [ https://medium.com/livefront/transactiontoolargeexception-and-a-bridge-to-safety-part-1-c3736644e26 ]
The Seven (Actually 10) Cardinal Sins of Android Development [ https://proandroiddev.com/the-seven-actually-10-cardinal-sins-of-android-development-491d2f64c8e0 ]
Android Studio Tips and Tricks [ https://www.raywenderlich.com/2807578-android-studio-tips-and-tricks ]
Android close system dialog
Using Espresso and UiAutomator
Android task manager or system dialog
[code language=”java”]
Intent closeDialog = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS);
[code language=”java”]
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) {
Log.e("Focus debug", "Focus changed !");
if (!hasFocus) {
Log.e("Focus debug", "Lost focus !");
Intent closeDialog = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS);
Picasso doesn’t load image to list item of RecyclerView
Image not loading in RecyclerView
Decision – don’t use .fit().centerCrop()
Half black images [https://proandroiddev.com/using-picasso-watch-out-for-half-black-images-957bc9550888]