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Android JSON Parsers Comparison

List of parsers to compare: gson 2.8.0, jackson 2.0.1, moshi 1.4.0, ason 1.1.0.


pros: fasters, triggers GC least, most customazible
cons: 6.7k methods (can be reduced by Proguard), API not so friendly

pros: fast enough, most popular (10k stars on github), pretty API, small
cons: relatively slow, trigger GC relatively more

There is no reasons for me to use moshi or ason based on this comparation: they are slower almost in each test.

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Jackson ObjectMapper – specify serialization order of object properties

// ensure that "id" and "name" are output before other properties
@JsonPropertyOrder({ "id", "name" })
// order any properties that don’t have explicit setting using alphabetic order
<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span>@JsonPropertyOrder(alphabetic=true)