K2 Compiler Performance Benchmarks and How to Measure Them on Your Projects
The First Beta of Android 15
Kotlin 2-beta5
IDE support
Kotlin K2 compiler
- Current K2 compiler limitations
- Smart cast improvements
- Kotlin Multiplatform improvements
- Compiler plugins support
- How to enable the Kotlin K2 compiler
- Try the Kotlin K2 compiler in Kotlin Playground
- Support in IntelliJ IDEA
- Leave your feedback on the new K2 compiler
Kotlin/Native: resolving conflicts with Objective-C methods
- Unsigned primitive types in functions with @JsExport
- Binaryen available by default in production builds
- Generation of TypeScript declaration files in Kotlin/Wasm
- Support for named export
- Support for type-safe plain JavaScript objects
- Support for npm package manager
Gradle improvements
- Improved Gradle dependency handling for CInteropProcess in Kotlin/Native
- Visibility changes in Gradle
- New directory for Kotlin data in Gradle projects
- Kotlin/Native compiler downloaded when needed
- Deprecating old ways of defining compiler options
Standard library: Stable AutoCloseable interface
What to expect from upcoming Kotlin EAP releases
How to update to Kotlin 2.0.0-Beta5