[code language=”delphi”]
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
KeyState : Word;
S : String;
KeyState := GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL);
S := ‘Клавиша: VK_SCROLL. Состояние:’;
if KeyState and $8000 = $8000 then
S := s+’down’
S := s+’up’;
if KeyState and 1 = 1 then
S := S + ‘toggle on’
S := S + ‘toggle off’
ShowMessage( S );
Category: IT
Delphi keyboard
[code language=”delphi”]
function GetRealChar(AKey: Word): Char;
Layout: HKL;
KeyboardState: TKeyboardState;
RealCode: AnsiString;
ScanCode: Integer;
s: string;
Layout := GetKeyboardLayout(GetCurrentThreadID);
SetLength(RealCode, 1);
FillChar(RealCode[1], Length(RealCode), 0);
FillChar(KeyboardState[0], SizeOf(KeyboardState), 0);
KeyboardState[AKey] := 0;
ScanCode := (AKey shr 16) and $FF;
ToAsciiEx(AKey, ScanCode, KeyboardState, PChar(RealCode), 0, Layout);
s := RealCode;
Result := s[1];
Delphi, Windows memory
articles from Gunsmoker
- blogal variables (pdf)
- windows memory (pdf)
- windows memory – myths and legends (pdf)
Delphi Component – Open dialog for directories
Source on Github, Bitbucket.
Continue reading Delphi Component – Open dialog for directories
DLL hell, manifest, side-by-side
DLL Hell is a term for the complications that arise when working with dynamic link libraries (DLLs) used with Microsoft Windows operating systems,[1] particularly legacy 16-bit editions which all run in a single memory space.
Side-by-side technology is a standard for executable files in Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows 2000, and later versions of Windows that attempts to alleviate problems that arise from the use of dynamic-link libraries in Microsoft Windows.