Функциональное программирование для всех
The Elm Architecture. Функциональное программирование на Android
UDF – Unidirectional Data Flow [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidirectional_Data_Flow_(computer_science)]
Unidirectional data flow on Android using Kotlin: The blog post (part 1).
Однонаправленный поток данных в пользовательском интерфейсе Android
Improving UI State management by using a Finite State Machine and MVI architecture
02.2022 [https://proandroiddev.com/managing-the-ui-state-by-using-a-finite-state-machine-and-mvi-architecture-36d84056c616]
Android Unidirectional Data Flow with LiveData
Sample App — Android Unidirectional Data Flow
Getting ready for Declarative UIs — Part 1 — Unidirectional Data Flow
Getting ready for Declarative UIs — Part 2 — Implementing Unidirectional Data Flow
Android + Redux = <3
Architecture in Jetpack Compose — MVP, MVVM, & MVI
MVI Architecture with Kotlin Flows and Channels
A case against the MVI architecture pattern
State production with unidirectional data flow and Kotlin Flows
Best Architecture For Android : MVI + LiveData + ViewModel
Revisiting unidirectional data flows on Android with Kotlin’s SharedFlow and StateFlow
04.2021 [https://argenkiwi.medium.com/revisiting-unidirectional-data-flows-on-android-with-kotlins-sharedflow-and-stateflow-92fb74e17983]
Reactive Apps with Model-View-Intent