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Android UX UI [2]

PART 1 []

Building a Beautiful Disney MVVM Android Application (1): Material Motion Systems. [ ]
[ ]

The motion system [ ]

Direct is a tool that helps motion designers provide clear, precise motion direction for engineers. [ ]


Suspending over views — example
12.2019 by Chris Banes []

Nested popup menus with smooth height animations []

Implementing the Motion System With Material Components for Android [ ]
A Deep Dive Into the Motion Transition With the new Update of the Material Design Component Library

Transform into a different view or activity using morphing animations.

Adding Amazing Transitions to Your Android App Easily Using Material Motion

Several examples of animated interfaces created by MotionLayout

Introducing the Motion Editor

Complex UI/Animations on Android — featuring MotionLayout

A collection of UI’s built to showcase the capabilities of Motion Layout and Constraint Layout 2.0/2.1

Advanced Android in Kotlin 03.2:Animation with MotionLayout

Advanced Android Edge-to-Edge (Part 1): Keyboard Transitions with MotionLayout

MotionLayout: Visibility


AnimatedIcons: Infinity

Android MotionLayout: Creating the Twitter splash screen in the simplest way possible (Part I)
Android MotionLayout: Creating the Twitter Splash Screen (Part II)

Experimenting with motion in Android

Building a Scrum Poker App using MotionLayout

Павел Кугаев, MotionLayout: Thanks, Google

Motion Layout Integrations samples

Advanced Android in Kotlin 03.2: Animation with MotionLayout

Meaningful motion design and how to implement it by Juhani Lehtimäki & Pierluigi Rufo, Snapp Mobile

Screen touch events

Manage touch events in a ViewGroup

Touch and input overview

Mastering the Android Touch System

How to implement skeletons and shimmering effects on layouts and recyclerViews for Android.

Detecting Touch Gestures in Android


Android insets: разбираемся со страхами и готовимся к Android Q

Exploring WindowInsets on Android 11 [ ]

Готовим Window Inset под соусом Jetpack Compose и щепоткой View
09.2022 []

Gesture navigation and edge-to-edge experience

Android 11: WindowInsets


Animating your Keyboard (part 1)
by Chris Banes 24.08.2020 []
Animating your keyboard (part 2): Reacting to WindowInset animations

Enable fullscreen mode []

Translucent SystemBars the right way — across API levels and themes
14/01/2020 []

Why fitsSystemWindows doesn’t work sometimes?


RecyclerView, Paging

Restore RecyclerView scroll position by Florina Muntenescu

Square Cycler – a RecyclerView API

Android RecyclerView StickyHeader without external library

RecyclerView Optimization – Scrolling Performance Improvement

Recycler view, power of asynchronous view holders creation

Getting to know RecyclerView

RecyclerView.ItemDecoration: используем по максимуму
05.08.2020 []

Добавляем кнопки при свайпе в RecyclerView
Drag и Swipe в RecyclerView. Часть 1: ItemTouchHelper
Советы для профессионального использования RecyclerView. Часть 2

How to Implement ‘Swipe for Options’ in RecyclerView

Android swipe menu with RecyclerView

Создание сложного списка элементов за 20 минут в Android на базе Groupie

Делаем код в адаптере чище с помощью MergeAdapter

Anatomy of RecyclerView: a Search for a ViewHolder

Combine your lists with MergeAdapter

Concatenate adapters sequentially with ConcatAdapter

Playing with the new MergeAdapter on Android

Toast | SnackBar

Android 11 Toast Updates

View, Custom view, EditText

Adventures in the Land of EditText

Виджеты на Android. Редкая фича, в которой придется разобраться

What’s new for text in Android P

Understanding when and how Android Views have dimensions set

Measure… Layout… Draw!

Rendering — Phase By Phase

Custom view from scratch. Part I.

Custom Drawing []

Writing Performant Layouts

The ultimate guide to Android custom views

Multiple samples showing the best practices in views-widgets on Android.

Реализация сложного тулбара на Android

ConstraintLayout 2.0.0
Helper.Layer []
MotionLayout / Constraint Layout Samples, ConstraintLayoutExamples []

Styled Texts for Android (Replaceable and Localizable)


Beginner’s Guide to Bottom Navigation with Android Jetpack — Part 1

Beginner’s Guide to Bottom Navigation with Android Jetpack — Part 2

Gesture Navigation: Going edge-to-edge (I)
by Chris Banes []

What’s New in Navigation 2020

Navigation Component: An Overview
10.2020 by Chet Haase []

Navigating to Dialog Destinations

Navigation Component-дзюцу, vol. 1 — BottomNavigationView
Navigation Component-дзюцу, vol. 2 – вложенные графы навигации
Navigation Component-дзюцу, vol. 3 — Corner-кейсы
Navigation Component-дзюцу, vol. 4 – Переоценка

Разделяй и властвуй: Navigation Component в многомодульном проекте

Павел Стрельченко | Navigation Component-дзюцу


Навигация с архитектурными компонентами от Google: взгляд прагматика – Александр Блинов

Style Theme Animation Material

Material Design Components for Android 1.1.0 Are Now Available

We Recommend Material Design Components

Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android

Dark Theme with MDC

Android-разработчикам: как сократить время реализации тёмной темы с пары месяцев до недели
Edge to edge decorator – is a utility class that is responsible for coloring the statusBar and navigationBar to maintain edge to edge (e2e) mode []

Android Styling: Themes Overlay
Android styling: common theme attributes

Стилизация Android-приложений и дизайн-система: как это сделать и подружить одно с другим

Android styling: themes vs styles

What’s your text’s appearance?

Android Styling: Prefer Theme Attributes

Refactoring Android Themes with Style

Android Design System and Theming: Typography

A few experiments with Android drawable gradients

How to name a color in Android

Migrating to Material Components for Android

Implement Google Inbox Style Animation on Android

Dark Mode: three Lint checks to help

Анимация в Android: плавные переходы фрагментов внутри Bottom Sheet

Tutorials about animations with Animators, Animated Vector Drawables, Shared Transitions, and more

Leveraging the power of Android design language

Android Matrix ScaleType Explained


View Animation
Property Animation
Animator: ValueAnimator, ObjectAnimator, AnimatorSet, ViewPropertyAnimator

Design, how to design

32 отличия дизайна мобильного приложения под iOS и Android

Как происходит рендеринг экрана сообщений ВКонтакте

UX для недизайнеров, или что должен учитывать разработчик мобильных приложений

Litho: лучшие практики для создания эффективного UI в Android

Displaying images in Android app: maintainable, testable, painless. Part I

Android at large: how to bring optimized experiences to the big screen

Support new form factors with the new Jetpack WindowManager library


ViewPager2 — digging the internal API to make it work with DiffUtil

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