Collections in java. don’t forget
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P vs NP problems
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[code language="java"] int a = 1; while (a < n) { a = a * 2; } [/code]
is lg n
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String, StringBuilder и StringBuffer: понимаете ли вы разницу?
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- реально ли object синглтон,
можно сделать через сериализацию два инстанса,
через рефлексию можно вызвать конструктор, - конструкторы и блоки init в классе: порядок вызова
- делегаты: два вида: delegation property и делегирование
реализации интерфейса полю конструктора - in\out в женериках
- типы any, nothing, unit. nothing наследник всех и его можно пользовать в женерике
- kapt генерит заглушки пустые, которые скармливаются apt.
это позволяет референсить генеренный код из котлина.
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- json pdf
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- Fragment, FragmentTransaction, commit. How does the
method work? Iscommit
synchronized? - Synchronization, Inter-process communication: mutexes, semaphores, events, etc.
- deadlock. how to avoid it.
- Collections in java
- []
- deep link [], app link []
- Singleton and double checking
- Checked and unchecked exceptions, in Java: url
- Memory leaks due to rotation with AsyncTask
- what is aar, dex
- dagger
- RxJava
- okhttp, retrofit
- What is UI-thread, how does it work?
- how to avoid crash of application if a service can occur crash – we can start the service in another process
- layout: frame, relative, linear – rendering
- Fragment.commitAllowingStateLoss (
- Loader
- Is it possible that
is invoked withoutonPause
? Yes, if there is exception inonCreate
. - if
are closed by OS, thenonDestroy
will not be invoked. - Empty constructor of Fragment is needed in state restoring.
- Communication between fragments and activities
- types of Intent
- what will be after onError in RxJava
- mvc, mvp, mvi, mvvm. Is aac about real mvvm?
- Which lifecycle methods of activity will be guaranteed invoked if OS destroys the one?
- fragment, inner fragments, childFragmentManager, what to use instead of fragments
- save state of app,
- how does dagger save state
- solid. DI – where is inversion, service locator
- inner classes in java, types of them;
- types of references in java – Finally understanding how references work in Android and Java []
- how to works generics in java
- OOP and 4 principles []
- java – atomic operations
- problems of reflection in java – slow and errorable
- hot to determine complexity of quicksort
- android animation – requestlayout []. What is the best way to animate View?
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- startService vs bindService. how to stop them
- a few receivers listen to the same action. how will be they work?
- Gradle. type, flavor, buildvariants
- proguard and ext.
- What is the order of starting of android components: application, content provider, activity, broadcast, activity
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- Android Interview Questions & How to Interview Candidates
When onSavedInstanceState is called?
If there is a stack of several activities, how will activities be restored? (order of callbacks)
Difference between callable vs. runnable
What is context? What methods does it have? Activity context vs. application context. Context + theme. How to implement different themes for 2 fragments which are simultaneously on the screen?
What is lifecycle of arguments of fragment?
CustomView, onMeasure, onLayout, onDraw, invalidate, requestLayout. Why is view needed a context in constructor? Can we pass application context?
Thread-safe collection. How are they implemented? What is Atomic<>? CopyOnWriteArrayList?
Generic in java. Why is primitive not allowed? Compile-time or run-time?
Java unboxing: difference between primitives and objects, what to use where, mapping to kotlin types,
Java type erasure: why was it done,
Object methods
[code language="java"] public native int hashCode(); public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (this == obj); } protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException; public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;@&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()); } public final native void notify(); public final native void notifyAll(); public final native void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException; protected void finalize() throws Throwable { } [/code]
ob1.Equals(ob2) --> ob1.hashcode == ob2.hashcode
Map is not a collection.
- differences between ArrayList and LinkedList - HashMap
- BinaryTree
17+ Binary Tree Coding Practice Problems from popular Programming Interview Questions
Interfaces, Classess:
wait, notify, notifyAll, concurrent
syncronized, volatile
Understanding Multithreading, ThreadPoolExecutor, Callable, Future by Example []
Жизненный цикл потока в Java
Потоки в Java: От рождения до смерти. Введение в многопоточность
Мастерство многопоточности: Превращаем Java в шедевр параллельного программирования
Что такое ExecutorService?
Жизненный цикл Android-приложений
There are 4 main components: activity, service, broadcastreceiver, ContentProvider
BroadcastReceiver can be registered in manifest or in code.
Service lifecycle:
Restart of service:
Service in UI and service in another thread
Activity lifecycle:
if a view has ID then
Sparse collections
HashMap | Array class |
<Integer, Object> | SparseArray |
<Integer, Boolean> | SparseBooleanArray |
<Integer, Integer> | SparseIntArray |
<Integer, Long> | SparseLongArray |
<Long, Object> | LongSparseArray |
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