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The Evolution of Android Network Access

Modern background execution in Android []

Background Processing in Android []
Background Processing in Android (Part 2) []
Continue reading The Evolution of Android Network Access

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Retrofit [2]

Configuring Retrofit 2 Client in Android []

Building your own Retrofit Call Adapter []

An HTTP inspector for Android & OkHTTP (like Charles but on device) – More Chucker than Chuck []

Mock retrofit in kotlin coroutines []

Continue reading Retrofit [2]

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DI – Dagger 2, Koin, Kodein

Demystifying the new Dagger Android Injection API

Dependency injection in Android []

A Dependency Injection Showdown []

Поиск лишних Component Dependencies с помощью Dagger SPI

Continue reading DI – Dagger 2, Koin, Kodein