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Turning it up to 11: the first Developer Preview of Android 11

Preview []

Turning it up to 11: Android 11 for developers
08.09.2020 []

Test your app’s compatibility with Android 11

Safer and More Transparent Access to User Location
19 February 2020

Android 11: Developer Preview 2
18 March 2020

Что нового в Android 11 для пользователей и разработчиков

Android 11 Beta и обновления для разработчиков

Continue reading Turning it up to 11: the first Developer Preview of Android 11
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About Kotlin

The Kotlin REPL []
Kotlin command-line compiler []
ki: The Next Interactive Shell for Kotlin []

Kotlin Coroutines Design Proposal []

Public API challenges in Kotlin []

Demystifying the inline keyword ( []

Parcelable in Kotlin (

Parcelize []

A study of the Parcelize feature from Kotlin Android Extensions []

Kotlin: When to Use Lazy or Lateinit (

Mocking Kotlin classes with Mockito — the fast way (

Lessons from my first multiplatform Kotlin project (
Continue reading About Kotlin