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Kotlin +, Kotlin multiplatform

Kotlin Multiplatform Reaktive [ ]
Kotlin multi-platform implementation of Reactive Extensions []

An awesome list that curates the best KMM libraries, tools and more.
KaMP Kit by Touchlab is a collection of code and tools designed to get your mobile team started quickly with Kotlin Multiplatform.

Functional companion to Kotlin’s Standard Library [ ]

Kotlin backend? Yes it’s possible []

Connected Applications with Kotlin []

An Interface for Multiplatform Networking

detekt [ ]
Полдюжины правил для статического анализатора Detekt

Kotlin Native. Multithreading without Coroutines
Kotlin Native. Multithreading with Coroutines

Continue reading Kotlin +, Kotlin multiplatform
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Android Studio 3.6

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Android Studio Design Tools UX Changes — Split View

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Kakao 2.3.0

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Kotlin updated to 1.3.61
appcompat artifact from AndroidX updated to 1.1.0
recyclerview artifact from AndroidX updated to 1.1.0
swiperefreshlayout artifact from AndroidX has been added at version 1.0.0
ViewPager2 support added with KViewPager2 class and viewpager2 artifact from AndroidX at version 1.0.0
Material design artifact updated to 1.1.0
IndexMatcher (withIndex()) has become reusable
ChipGroup support added with KChipGroup class
Spinner support added with KSpinner class
Tint support added to KImageView, though it does not work 100% of the time